Environmental Sustainability

Being aware and proactive is the cornerstone of sustainability efforts at Viskase. Partnering with vendors and customers allows Viskase to make meaningful strides towards environmental consciousness.

Our Vendors

Viskase is environmentally aware and uses sustainable resources. The companies that provide us with raw materials seek to ensure that the fibers, chemicals, and other inputs we use come from ethical and responsible partners with whom we can be proud to work. From sustainable forest management, to carbon dioxide reductions, to energy/water/waste reduction, we partner with vendors who share our commitment toward environmental consciousness.

Regenerated cellulose products (Nojax®, LCC®, and Fibrous casings) are manufactured from highly purified renewable wood pulp. Our primary suppliers of soft wood pulp have active and comprehensive sustainability programs to ensure their ability to provide this key raw material into the future. The other chemicals used in the regenerated cellulose manufacturing processes, our vendors use recovery processes to improve overall process efficiencies and  minimize our environmental footprint.

Our promise

In addition to working with responsible vendors, we are committed to positive change.  We have installed solar panels to conserve energy, and many of our offices participate in tree-planting, environmental clean-up and recycling service projects.

Viskase also supports the development of bio-compostable cellulose and fibrous casings. Viskase supports active programs to address bio-compostable disposal of cellulose and fibrous casings, and we’re constantly working on new technologies that allow recycling of our plastic casings.

To build our environmentally friendly food processes, Viskase has joined the CleanSmoke Coalition – an association of companies interested in smoking technologies that are sustainable and safe. Together with the Coalition, Viskase works to develop pre-smoked casings that are clean, sustainable, product-safe and cost-effective.

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