California Transparency in Supply Chains Disclosure

In compliance with the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010, Viskase Companies, Inc. makes the following disclosures:

  1. Verification and Audits. We directly, and not through third parties, verify that our suppliers evaluate and address the risks of human trafficking and slavery. We do not directly or have third parties audit our suppliers’ compliance with their own policies.
  2. Certification. Direct suppliers to Viskase are generally not requested to supply individual certifications that their material complies with the laws regarding slavery and human trafficking of the country or countries in which they do business, but we are in the process of establishing a program to do so.
  3. Training. Viskase does not provide training on mitigating risks of human trafficking and slavery to those employees who are responsible for supply chain management.
  4. Accountability. Viskase has no internal accountability standards and procedures for the failure to meet the standards regarding human trafficking and slavery in its supply chain.

In addition to the actions taken above and as awareness of labor and human rights standards grows worldwide, we continually increase our efforts to mitigate the risks due to the violation of these labor and human rights standards.

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