Viskase has made corporate social responsibility a key component of our global success. Corporate social responsibility is the extent to which a company makes a positive, beneficial impact on the community and environment in which it operates, whether locally or on a global scale. These efforts are voluntarily chosen to make Viskase a model of good citizenship in our global environment. Our chosen projects have a long-term effect on waste reduction, community health and the environment.


Safety & Health

The health and safety of our team is our number one priority. Members of our staff take part in annual blood drives, exercise challenges and healthy food campaigns like our monthly fruit basket to promote good health.

Human Rights

Giving back to our community is what it’s all about. Viskase team members across the globe participate in annual service projects, donation events and volunteerism to benefit our neighbors.

Viskase is an environmentally conscious company. Learn more about our sustainability, conservation and recycling efforts.

Social Responsiveness

Viskase actively tracks emerging social and media trends to anticipate changes to the casings market arising from moving retail consumer preferences. When emerging trends are identified, we will focus our global resources and technical experience to proactively meet these needs. To address consumer desires to eliminate mineral oil from food packaging items that may result in transference to the food product, we developed and launched the SVO line of casing products, using sustainable vegetable oils instead of mineral oil.  SVO casings are made using plant-sourced materials to address the desire to remove mineral oil from the product and to eliminate the use of a non-renewable petroleum based lubricant.

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